Facial Hair tips/ Poll

Facial Hair tips/ Poll
Posted by That Ball Guy on January 02, 2004 at 22:06:53: Previous Next

This post serves double purpose. Advice, and Poll.

I've been considering growing my facial hair out for a while. Since I could, I've almost ALWAYS had sideburns, and have had some limited syles of goatees. I have this dang genetic thing that keeps me from being able to grow any kind of mustache, leaving me looking like some amish guy. Both my dad and brother had a hard time growing one until they were past 30 and it looks like I'm no exception. Now my question is, are there any "do's" and "don't's" for facial hair, or are they just the same as that of head hair i.e. "Be gentle and be patient"? This question is directed more towards people like Victor and Paddy, or anyone with experience in this.

Now, my question for the rest of the board is: What do you think of facial hair? I personally wouldn't mind something like Victors (although I realise that mine won't be like that), but without a mustache, would it look bad? There was a guy in Illinois that I saw that had a foot and a half long goatee braided in a five strand braid. Since I can grow hair on my chin, should I maybe "play to my strengths" so to speak?

Any advice, comments, opinions would be appreciated.

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